Appendix: Notes From Setup Trials

These are notes from various initial setup attempts we went through as we built our final configuration.

3/9/17 Test

This was done when setting up controller High Availability.

Started w/ just 1 controller node, no compute, no storage.

First playbook run failed at starting mysql, had to start new cluster:

sudo galera_new_cluster

Re-run, broke at rabbitmq user, fixed by re-ordering tasks & restarting rabbitmq before adding.

Re-run broke a bootstrapping identity service, needed to remove config options, fix name of config file.

Re-run broke at setting up projects. Need to do initial pacemaker config. Had to change hacluster user password manually.

Re-run finished all updated tasks(after Glance setup). Image service verified by image listing. Image creation does not work due to ceph not being setup.

Updated nova’s tasks & config for controller HA.

Failed at nova re-run due to existing service but wrong endpoints.

Failed at nova addresses already bound. Fixed by setting osapi_compute_listen, novncproxy_host, & metadata_listen_host to management IP.

TODO: PR OpenStack HA Docs to Fix Required Nova Listen Options

Re-run finished all nova tasks. Nova service verified by compute service list.

Updated neutron’s tasks & config.

Failed at neutron.wsgi unable to bind address. Fixed by setting bind_host in neutron.conf

TODO: PR OpenStack HA Docs to Fix Required Neutron Listen Options

Re-run finished all neutron tasks. Verified by service list.

Updated cinder’s tasks & config.

Re-run finished all cinder tasks, verify by volume service list.

Updated horizon tasks.

Re-run finished all horizon tasks, verify by visitng site.

Re-run failed at creating router, not enough l3 agents available. Fixed by lowering min to 1.

Re-run completed all controller tasks.

Add 1 Compute Node

Did minimal setup for new node & re-ran ansible playbook.

Verified by running openstack compute service list.

Add 2 Storage Nodes

Did minimal setup for new nodes & re-ran ansible playbook.

Followed initial ceph setup.

Verified by running openstack volume service list.

Test stack by adding image, & launching server by making image into volume.

Add Backup Controller Node

Did minimal setup for new nodes & re-ran ansible playbook.

Failed at restarting mysql. Issue was wrong list of ips for cluster setting. After fixing, it failed when trying to restart galera, since it brought all cluster servers down. Fixed by staggering restarts, backup controllers first, then the master controller.

Rerun of playbook passed. Followed instructions from “adding nodes”.

Tested by shutting down controller 1 and provisioning a server. Failed at openstack auth, needed to copy fernet keys from master controller. Fixed by adding keys to vault.

Was then able to get token, failed at uploading image. Needed to setup ceph keys. After fixing & documenting, was able to create image, launch server, & SSH in. Then started master controller and shutdown backup, still able to SSH into server.

4/30/17 Test

Trial moving Ceph monitors to Controller. Started by wiping block storage servers, & purging ceph & data from controllers.

Ran ansible playbook.

SSH into controller, push ssh keys.

Deploy new node to controllers:

ceph-deploy new stack-controller-1 stack-controller-2


ceph-deploy new stack-controller-1 stack-controller-2 \
    stack-storage-1 stack-storage-2 stack-storage-3

From creating initial monitors onwards works the same. Verified by uploading image, creating volume, & launching instance.

5/1/17 Test 1

Testing setup of all nodes at once. Started with fresh install from preseed file on 2 controllers, 1 compute, & 3 storage nodes.

Ran playbook once, expected failure when restarting mysql for first time, since no cluster was initialized.

Setup master controller & then restarted mysql on backup:

# On stack-controller-1
sudo galera_new_cluster

# On stack-controller-2
sudo systemctl restart mysql

Then ran playbook again. Failed at retrieving openstack user list. Followed high availability setup instructions.

Then ran playbook again, finished fine. Followed with Ceph Initialization.

After Ceph finished, verified all services from master controller:

cd ~

# Image Service
sudo apt-get install -y qemu-utils
qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk.img cirros.raw
openstack image create "cirros" --file cirros.raw --disk-format raw \
    --container-format bare --public
openstack image list

# Compute Service
openstack compute service list

# Networking Service
neutron ext-list
openstack network agent list

# Block Storage Service
openstack volume service list

# Launch a VM
openstack flavor create --id 0 --vcpus 1 --ram 64 --disk 1 m1.nano
openstack security group rule create --proto icmp default
openstack security group rule create --proto tcp --dst-port 22 default
openstack network list
PRIVATE_NETWORK_ID="$(openstack network list -f value -c ID -c Name | grep private | cut -f1 -d' ')"
openstack server create --flavor m1.nano --image cirros \
    --nic net-id=$PRIVATE_NETWORK_ID --security-group default test-instance
openstack server list
openstack floating ip create provider   # Check the created IP
FLOATING_IP="$(openstack floating ip list -c 'Floating IP Address' -f value)"
openstack server add floating ip test-instance $FLOATING_IP
# Should be able to ssh in as `cirros` w/ password `cubswin:)`

5/1/17 Test 2

Rolled back to pre-ansible snapshots, ran playbook. Failed at mysql.

Initialized mysql cluster, then ran high availability playbook:

ansible-playbook acorn.yml -t ha

After completion, followed HA initialization setup. Re-ran full playbook. Controller 1 failed when trying to query networks. Had to modify playbook to flush handlers before setting up projects/networks. Rolled back to initial snapshot, re-tested & working OK now.

Ran Ceph initialization & verified cluster operation. Verification failed at compute service list, had to sync nova db & restart nova-compute on compute node. Failed again on volume service list due to unsync’d time, had to sync & restart:

sudo chronyc -a makestep
sudo systemctl cinder-volume restart

6/5/17 Additions

These changes been tested in a fresh install, but will be necessary next time we try.

On controllers:

sudo ovs-vsctl add-br br-provider

On computes:

sudo ovs-vsctl add-br br-provider
sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-provider PROVIDER_INTERFACE

Verify distributed self-service networking:

6/6/17 Test

For testing DVR networking. Started w/ fresh preseed installs & all nodes running.

Ran playbook, controllers failed at mysql as expected. Initialized mysql cluster on controller-1. Started mysql on controller-2 afterwards.

Ran playbook. Failed at querying users for glance(since no VIP). Did HA setup.

Ran playbook. Failed at creating network. Did OVS setup & restarted neutron-openvswitch-agent & neutron-metadata-agent on controller & compute.

Ran playbook, everything passed. Did Ceph setup.

Verified everything, failed at assigning floating ip, had to restart neutron-l3-agent on compute nodes. Failed to ping from public LAN, tried some playbook tweaks & debugging but ended up rolling back to snapshot. Probably old config messing stuff up.

6/7/17 Test

Try to get DVR working again….

Ran playbook, failed at mysql. Started cluster. Ran ha tags, setup pacemaker & OVS bridge.

Ran playbook, failed at creating neutron user. Re-ran playbook & it completed past that(maybe due to low resources?)

But failed at creating Router. Restarted neutron-metadata-agent on controllers & it completed(added restart to playbook).

Ran pcs resource cleanup to refresh pacemaker status.

Setup Ceph. Verified operation, can SSH into instance & ping internet.

8/4/17 Test

Test moving cinder-volume to controller nodes. 2 controllers, 1 compute, 2 storage.

Followed Cluster Initialization. Verified as working.